No Hormones | Steroids
No Antibiotics  

Our cattle never receive hormones or steroids in their growth process or any time during their lifespan. The argument for and against hormones in beef and the adverse affects on the consumer are a very complicated subject. We however, do not believe that hormones should be included in our beef so they are not.


Antibiotics can have incredible effects with treatments of disease and injury but there are also negative affects that can influence the end consumer, this is why we have strict regulation of antibiotic use in our program.

Data that is available points to the fact that animals that are exposed to levels of antibiotics over their lifespan can have a higher concentration of the E Coli bacteria in their meat due to increased antibiotic resistance. Our program never exposes our animals to antibiotics to improve animal growth and weight gain. 

Due to our low stress and humane treatment protocols, coupled with adequate room, healthy nutrition and clean surroundings during winter 99% of our animals never receive antibiotics unless due to unforseen injuries. The animals that do are never placed in the beef program. 

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