1. 1. Control the diet of our animals when they are being finished.
- We finish our animals on a diet of natural grasses and legumes as well they are given a flax based ration with absolutely no grain in it. Removing the chance of acid resistant E Coli being produced from a high grain ration, as is common in commercial beef production.
2. 2. Use smaller packing plants where our animals have less exposure to other carcasses.
- We use smaller packing plants that process fewer animals with less focus on pushing high numbers of animal carcasses through their processing lines. We trust the packing plants we work with based on the positive experiences we have had with them.
3. 3. Educate our consumers on cooking temperatures that kill bacteria.
- We educate our customers through our sale channels on the safe cooking of our beef products. When beef is cooked to the correct temperature it removes the chance of harmful such as E Coli being present in the food when it is consumed. For ground beef it is 160F and for muscle cuts it is 140F.
4. 4. Our beef is sold frozen so as not to spoil on display or in a refrigerator.
- Meat can spoil or collect bacteria and germs when it is displayed in refrigerators or shelves; by delivering our product frozen we are delivering you a safer product.
5. 5. We make our deluxe lean ground beef from whole muscles cuts.
- Our deluxe lean ground is cut from the chuck, shank, brisket, plate, flank and round. Not from trimming and scrap material as most commercial beef is that is found in supermarkets and grocery stores.
6. 6. All of our deluxe lean ground beef comes from only our healthy animals. One animal at a time.
- All ground beef is from one animal at a time, meaning that there is only one animal per package of ground beef. When you eat ground beef from the store you are eating the scrap cuts of several animals at once that were of varying degrees of healthiness when they were processed. Leading to a larger chance of harmful bacteria being present in the beef.
7. 7. We only process animals under 30 months of age.
- All the beef that is processed and sold by Nimitz Beef is under the age of 30 months. Following the BSE problems in Canada it was determined that is was safer for exporting is animals were processed under 30 months in terms of BSE being present as it is known to develop later in the bovines life cycle. We believe this is another way we provide a safer product to our customers.