Jan 11, 2013
The New Year is just beginning and as usual many people have made New Years resolutions that may or may not come to fruition. Amongst these many self made promises are the individuals that promised themselves to eat healthier, get more exercise and focus on attaining a healthier body weight. For some it means gaining weight while for the majority it is the opposite.
Here at Nimitz Beef we believe we can help you, diets are tricky and can get confusing and frustrating. We are just going to help clear up some facts about weight loss and grass fed beef. Not everyone wants to turn their back on red meat and the BBQ to shed their pounds, and they don’t have too!
First let’s look at the reasons many people take beef out of their diet:
Nimitz Beef has significantly lower levels of fat in its meat than the leading grain fed supermarket beef. For more information on this visit our post “What is in the beef you are cooking?” http://www.nimitzbeef.com/BlogDetails.aspx?blogid=1279&PageName=blog.aspx&WID=202619
Grass fed beef such as Nimitz Beef usually has less than 10% of its fat as saturated. In comparison about 50% of the fat in grain fed beef that is available to you in stores is saturated fat. 1
The omega 6:3 ratio that has been considered to cause health problems if it is exceeded is 4:1. Categorically it is considered to cause heart disease, high cholesterol, cancer and other health problems if the body exceeds this ratio. Nimitz Beef which is grass fed has an omega 6:3 ratio closer to 1:1.
Cholesterol can be a confusing subject but the results of grass and flax in the cattle’s diet at Nimitz Beef increases the Omega 3 (polyunsaturated fatty acids) as well as the monounsaturated fatty acids in Nimitz Beef and reduces the saturated fats. The end result to the person eating the beef is that with more omega 3 they are increasing the effectiveness of the HDL cholesterol (good) in their blood and decreasing the LDL cholesterol (bad) by decreasing their intake of saturated fats. 2
How we make losing weight easier!
It is well known that diet and exercise are both required to lose weight in a healthy way but there are properties of Nimitz Beef that can help you shed them and keep them off.
First CLA (conjugated liolenic acid) found in animal and dairy fats of beef that are not fed grains has recently been outlined in a University of Wisconsin study to assist individuals who lose weight from regaining it. The human intestine produces CLA naturally from linoleic acid. Studies have shown that attaining a higher CLA content in daily food intake can have possible health benefits such as weight loss.1
Secondly because meat from grass-fed animals is lower in fat than meat from grain-fed animals, it is also lower in calories. (Fat has 9 calories per gram, compared with only 4 calories for protein and carbohydrates. The greater the fat content, the greater the number of calories.)3
For example, a 6-ounce steak from grass finished beef can have approximately 100 fewer calories than a 6-ounce steak from grain finished beef. Lets say you eat a standard amount of beef (66 pounds per year), switching to grass fed beef will save you up to 17,500 calories a year. If you stay constant with your diet you will about 6 pounds a year with minimal willpower required.3 That is simple math at work for you.
Read more about the health benefits of Nimitz Beef at: http://www.nimitzbeef.com/health-benefits.aspx
1. http://www.glutenfreesociety.org/gluten-free-food-sources/grassfedbeef/
2. http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/hdl-cholesterol/CL00030/NSECTIONGROUP=2
3. http://www.eatwild.com